Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan

The 12-Week Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan was specifically created to assist newcomers to half marathon distance running safely build endurance and stamina over 13.1 miles by race day. Beginning with shorter, manageable runs each week that gradually increase distance over time, the initial stage focuses on building an aerobic base while adapting your body to running; midweek runs aim for maintaining an easy pace to prevent injuries or burnout in beginners.

Saturdays should be used for cross-training or rest, providing your body the chance to recoup and adapt. Cross-training activities like cycling, swimming or even walking can help maintain cardiovascular fitness without all of the physical impact and stress of running. Sunday long runs are the cornerstone of training plans, serving to prepare your body and mind for running half marathon distance. Beginning with 4-mile runs in week one and gradually increasing until reaching 12 miles by week nine. After this peak period, there’s a tapering period, designed to help the body recover and build strength ahead of its main event. This ensures runners arrive on race day feeling at their peak performance – while also including regular rest days for recovery, muscle repair, and to prevent overtraining.

Remember, this plan is only meant as an approximate guide, and any individual using it should tailor it based on their needs, goals, and feedback from their body. Before beginning any fitness regimen, it would be prudent to consult a fitness professional or doctor first.


Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 Rest 3 miles easy run 3 miles easy run Rest 3 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 4 miles long run
2 Rest 3.5 miles easy run 3.5 miles easy run Rest 3.5 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 5 miles long run
3 Rest 4 miles easy run 4 miles easy run Rest 4 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 6 miles long run
4 Rest 4.5 miles easy run 4.5 miles easy run Rest 4.5 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 7 miles long run
5 Rest 5 miles easy run 5 miles easy run Rest 5 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 8 miles long run
6 Rest 5.5 miles easy run 5.5 miles easy run Rest 5.5 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 9 miles long run
7 Rest 6 miles easy run 6 miles easy run Rest 6 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 10 miles long run
8 Rest 6.5 miles easy run 6.5 miles easy run Rest 6.5 miles easy run Rest or cross-train 11 miles long run
9 Rest 7 miles easy run Rest 7 miles easy run Rest Rest or cross-train 12 miles long run
10 Rest 5 miles easy run Rest 5 miles easy run Rest Rest or cross-train 9 miles long run
11 Rest 4 miles easy run Rest 4 miles easy run Rest Rest or cross-train 8 miles long run
12 3 miles easy run Rest 3 miles easy run Rest Rest 2 miles shakeout run Race Day – Half Marathon