Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K in Armada, MI – 11-18-23

Nov 20, 2023Ninja Runner Races0 comments

Blakes Holiday Hustle 5K - Armada, MI 2023

Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K

Hello all! Let’s rewind to November 18th, 2023, when I participated in Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K Run. This inaugural race started at an uncharacteristically civilized 9:30 AM with 150 acres of Christmas tree wonderland as its backdrop—it indeed was festive!

This wasn’t just any run-of-the-mill 5K; each participant, including me, received an exclusive winter beanie and holiday ornament as prizes! Additionally, post-race refreshments included sweet cider for children, hard cider for adults, and refreshing donuts at the finish line, making for an extra sweet end-of-race reward!

The weather was perfect: blue skies, crisp 31-degree temperatures—the morning that makes you glad you got out of bed and put on running shoes! So, with my Insta360 GO 3 snapped onto my hat and an anxious enthusiasm in the air, I prepared myself for what this Holiday Hustle had in store—let’s dive right in for some frosty fun!  ????‍♂️????❄️????

Pre-Race Experience

Let’s set the scene for Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K pre-race antics. I registered at (RESULTS) a week prior without any drama or fuss—exactly my ideal pre-race preparation experience.

On race day, I arrived at the venue shortly after 8 a.m. with coffee and was ready to collect my packet. While I expected long lines and chaos, the venue was as serene as a yoga studio! Check-in went smoothly, so I had plenty of time to enjoy the atmosphere and what this event offered.

The Tasting Room, store, and other cool places were located in Blake’s busy main area, which hosted this race. Blake’s was also buzzing with runners and festive holiday spirits; they held their Holiday Extravaganza from November 18–24, featuring shopping, twinkling lights, and other festive festivities!

At first glance, it felt like I’d entered a Christmas movie without talking reindeer: people were selecting trees and purchasing wreaths while getting in the holiday spirit; I was right in the midst of all this activity, preparing to run a 5K race—an unforgettable way to start my Saturday!  ????????????‍♂️????️

Race Atmosphere and Scenery

Now, let’s talk about the race itself. – the atmosphere at Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K was electrifying! There’s something special about being part of such an epic event with 700 participants, like being at a concert where everyone is there for one purpose: running!

Dashing through rows of Christmas trees was certainly impressive, while I must concede the gravel portion was less so. It felt more like expecting an exciting rollercoaster ride but being disappointed when given only a merry-go-round ride instead—not too bad, of course, but not quite what I had expected. Still, running among Christmas trees added an unexpected festive charm I hadn’t experienced during other races.

But here was the truly surprising part: seeing so many young runners dominate, specifically children aged 13–15, finishing among the top ten! Witnessing these young speedsters take to the path was heartwarming and inspiring; seeing their energy made me think, “Wow, I need to step up my game,” while simultaneously realizing, “The future of running is safe in great young hands!”  ????????????????????

Performance and Strategy

Let’s dive deep into my race strategy and performance. At the starting line, I placed myself near the front to avoid a classic 5K conga line of weaving through slower runners—something like navigating a busy supermarket on Saturday—no thank you!

My strategy paid off. I felt like a gazelle (or, at the very least, an extremely determined squirrel) as I navigated the course—flat with gravel and grass surfaces mixed—although my Garmin only recorded 3.01 miles. No one’s counting!

Icing on the cake? I finished first in my age group of 55-59 year-old male runners! That’s right—your friendly neighborhood runner won top honors and even earned himself a $20 Blake’s Gift Card as a prize—giving him his very own caramel apple treat!

With a finish time of 24:48.5 and an average pace of 7:59, I was delighted with my performance. Not often can you run, win, and treat yourself to some of Blake’s delicious offerings at once; running and winning were two elements I could get used to!  ????????????‍♂️????

Event Organization and Management

At Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K, I want to recognize those behind the scenes for their incredible efforts at its inaugural event. Not many events come off so smoothly, yet these guys made it look effortless. Organizing races can be challenging work – these guys made it look effortless!

Punctuality was truly impressive at this race – one of its hallmarks in road races! You would think, with such a large crowd and holiday extravaganza taking place alongside it that there might be delays, yet no such issues occurred – even smoother than my morning run downhill!

Packet pickup was easy. While I anticipated long lines and chaos at this event, everything ran smoothly; all my gear arrived quickly, with plenty of time left for casual warmup (and maybe some people-watching).

Let’s talk post-race setup – they had an entire building set aside for an awards ceremony with tables and festive vibes, plus selfie areas that proved popular – who doesn’t love showing off those beautiful rosy cheeks after running a race?!?

Blake’s team organized an event with all the efficiency of Swiss watchmaking yet still felt warm and inclusive for its attendees. I can only look forward to what they will achieve next year – congratulations to them all!  ????????????‍♂️????????



Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K Video

(Click Here to Subscribe to the YouTube Channel!)

Shot with an Insta360 GO 3 Action Camera

Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K Photo Gallery

Post-Race Activities and Community Engagement

Once crossing the finish line, the real fun began! Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K wasn’t just about running; it was all about community spirit and post-race festivities – an absolute treat!

While waiting for the awards ceremony, I enjoyed conversing with fellow runners. Race experiences can help build bonds among strangers quickly, from strangers sharing running tales like old pals up to experiencing one together! Everyone was buzzing with post-run excitement, and festive spirits were abundant!

Let me tell you about the community spirit—it was contagious! Everyone was supportive, encouraging, and happy to be present, from veteran runners to first-timers, making for an unforgettable race experience.

An unforgettable memory was meeting a group of ladies walking the 5K together, including one who sneakily managed to bring along her little dog in a front-carrying bag! We laughed together, took photos (check them out on my blog! ), and enjoyed its uplifting atmosphere.

Experiences such as these make you appreciate the running community. It’s not all about miles; it’s also about smiles and conversations shared over a shared love for a sport that unites us all.  ????‍♂️????????????????

Race Experience vs. Expectations

Reflecting upon my experience at Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K, it’s time to assess whether my expectations met reality. Truthfully, I went into this event with an open mind, unsure of what an inaugural holiday-themed race might entail.

This run was fun and festive, passing through rows of Christmas trees while traversing gravel sections that felt more like running an unpaved road than beautiful scenery. But the holiday atmosphere certainly added something extra special to this run!

However, what truly exceeded my expectations was the energy and enthusiasm among the runners. The event was alive with confidence, and seeing so many young participants cross the finish line made me smile!

At Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K, meeting new people, sharing stories, and building connections over our passion for running was truly the highlight of my morning! Although the course may not have been my most exciting run ever, its atmosphere, community spirit, and holiday cheer made this race remarkable. Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K stood out thanks to its people and atmosphere alone! ????????‍♂️????????????

Closing Thoughts

As I recall Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K, my heart fills with thanks and my mind with festive joy. More than just a race, this event celebrated community, fitness, and the festive holiday spirit!

One of the greatest surprises was witnessing young runners leading the pack. Seeing these enthusiastic, energetic youngsters blaze through the course was inspirational and gave me hope about where running is heading in its future form. Moments like these remind seasoned runners why we fell in love with running in the first place and reinforce why passing it along is vitally important to future generations.

Although I may not have loved every aspect of the course, the overall experience proved that the essence of a great race lies beyond its surface. Shared experiences, new friendships formed, and celebrating crossing the finish line together make it unique.

Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K was an enjoyable running event I would gladly participate in again. It struck the perfect balance between competitive running and festive fun—perhaps next year, the course will prove equally thrilling as its community spirit!

Let’s celebrate cold morning runs, festive 5Ks together, and the joy of running. Remember, regardless of race, the journey and those met along the way make running worthwhile!

Additional Resource(s) for Blake’s Holiday Hustle 5K

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