Dealing with 7 Common Running Injuries: Prevention and Care

Sep 5, 2023Running Health & Wellness0 comments

Common Running Injuries - Prevention and Care

My Love-Hate Relationship with Common Running Injuries​

Running can be the greatest joy and most incredible pain, all at the same time. If you’re reading this, chances are you have experienced your share of aches and pains – as have I. But those fleeting moments when the wind whips through your hair or when your feet hit pavement create memories like no other – as do occasional “Oh no, what did I just do to my ankle” moments that have led me here (including getting T-shirts (with compression socks).

Starting on a sunny afternoon, I set out on an epic run. An internal running ninja urged me forward: “Just one more mile!” By morning, I was hobbling like an unsteady pirate with an injured leg, cursing that enthusiastic inner voice. Yet, no matter how often we give up running due to pains or injuries, we still find ourselves returning for more.

In this article, I aim to illuminate both the science and sass behind injuries we all must contend with when running, from shin splints to IT band syndrome (no, it’s not something your tech guy can fix), to discuss ways in which we can understand, prevent, and cope with such unwelcome running party crashers.

So lace up or prop that sore foot up on a cushion, and let’s journey together through the world of common running injuries. But don’t despair: We can face these challenges head-on with proper care and agility!

Understanding Our Body: Why Injuries Happen

Before I became an avid runner (that means wearing running shoes more than once every month), I thought injuries were limited to athletes on TV or parkour performers doing crazy moves off buildings. After all, how can running result in twisting ankles or tweaked knees? But boy, was I wrong!

  • Human Body as an Elegant Machine: First, our bodies are amazing machines – beautiful and intricate in equal measure. When functioning efficiently, all its parts work in concert. However, uneven ground or overuse – or worse still, poorly fitting shoes – can quickly cause havoc for us all.
  • Muscle Imbalances: Your body is like a carefully orchestrated musical piece; when one section (such as your string section or, more accurately, your hamstrings) doesn’t play its part correctly, the entire orchestral work can go out of tune and cause strain or common running injuries to another muscle group.
  • Biomechanics and Running Form: Here is where things become complex. How you land, your stride length, and your hip tilt all play an essential role in preventing or inviting common running injuries. Think of this like the difference between dancing gracefully or as though you stepped on a LEGO brick.
  • External Factors: Are you too embarrassed to admit a pothole got the better of you? Uneven trails, slippery roads, and even those sneaky potholes can all lead to injuries when least expected.
  • Attaining Goals Too Quickly: It happens all too often: that sudden burst of motivation where we think, “Oh yeah! I can run 10 miles today even though I have only run three!” Unfortunately, this rarely ends well.
  • Age, Wear, and Tear: No matter our desire to be immortal (I still feel 25! My knees beg otherwise!), our bodies change over time. Tendons become less flexible; muscles take longer to recover; joints remind us more frequently of their existence!

Therefore, when lacing up, remember to respect the complicated machinery within you – including yourself! And steer clear of any potential potholes along your route.

Ankle Sprains: More Than Just a Twist in the Plot

Raise your hand if you have ever taken an unfortunate misstep and thought, “Well, this could be it – I have become unsteady and wobbly!” If that was just you, then let’s move along then.

Ankle sprains are like unwelcome guests at any running party. When you think everything is under control, they suddenly appear and completely change the atmosphere. All it takes is one quick turn of your foot or an unexpected bump on the road to send shockwaves through your body that send you into disarray, and suddenly, your running dreams have vanished with no good musical on Broadway to remind you to stretch before every run!

  • What exactly is an ankle sprain? An ankle sprain occurs when ligaments, the stretchy bands that connect bones, become overstretched or torn. Think of it like an intense game of tug-of-war inside your foot!
  • Varying Degrees of Drama: Like in any tale, stories with Sprains come in various degrees of dramatic intensity:
    • First-degree: Slight overstretching with minor pain – similar to when someone waves back at you only to realize they meant the person behind you!
    • Second-degree: Partial ligament tear – this stage marks “I definitely shouldn’t have done that.”
    • Third-degree: This level is unforgiving and painful for more severe sprains and complete ligament tears!
  • Prevention Is Key: As my mom always said: ‘Better safe than sorry.” Here’s how:
    • Strengthen Up: Strengthening calf muscles and foot arches can make all the difference in your fitness journey. No, I don’t mean taking up ballet; just a few relevés wouldn’t hurt!
    • Tread Carefully: Be wary when traversing uneven terrain – every step should be mindfully considered!
    • Proper Footwear: Your neon shoes might look fantastic, but are they providing enough support for your ankles? Perhaps now is a good time for an upgrade.
  • Road to Recovery: Have an ankle sprain? Welcome to RICE club: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation – no fancy dinner parties here – but it sure will help you get back on your feet. And if your sprain continues humming the tune ‘I Will Survive’ too long, it might be wiser to seek professional treatment instead.

Remember, ankle sprains may temporarily alter our life course, but with careful management and attention – including some humorous limping! – They’ll soon heal up, becoming even stronger!

Runner’s Knee: The Nemesis of the Kneedy

The notorious runner’s knee may sound like an honorific title, but it can often feel more like an indignity. Its name alone indicates that someone has arrived at an elite club, but instead, it acts as an unceremonious welcome into “Ouch Club.”

  • What’s in a Name? What Is Running Knee, Also Known As Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Doesn’t Only Affect Runners
    Running-related patellofemoral pain syndrome doesn’t just impact runners, though runners seem more inclined than most to encounter this ailment. In essence, it involves pain in and around the kneecap; no message here from our knees trying to speak up!
  • What’s Up, Doc? How Can You Tell If You Have It? Do you suspect a runner’s knee has crept into your life? If navigating stairs feel like auditioning for a tragic drama or sitting with bent knees causes significant discomfort, these could be symptoms that indicate this condition may exist in you.
  • Causes – the Usual Suspects: Playing Hard to Get: Sometimes our kneecap enjoys taking an unconventional path; no one would object if we took an unexpected detour now and then! Finding Balance: Thigh muscles may weaken over time and put additional strain on our knees – strengthening them is crucial! Worn-Out Shoes: While those old sneakers may hold sentimental value, their worn-out construction should signal to you to part ways with them immediately. Your knees need room to breathe!
  • Avoiding Drama: Whether Strength Training or Smooth Moves, two strategies could help prevent drama.
    • Strength Training strengthens the fortress by strengthening your hips and quads; strengthening them may act like loyal knights to protect your knee castle from potential attacks from outside forces such as arthritis.
    • Smooth Moves, consider changing your running form; perhaps your knee wants more waltzing instead of jaunty dancing. Pamper Them: Knees need some TLC, too – why not relieve them with a massage or foam rolling session?
  • Recovery – Making Amends: As with most spats, a little time apart can do wonders. Relax, ice the knee, and write an apology note to it for pushing harder last week.

If the pain persists, visiting the physio could be in order. They’re much better qualified to give guidance than that fortune cookie from last night’s takeout!

Remember, in your epic tale of “You vs. Runner’s Knee,” every hero will face challenges, but how they overcome them counts!

Shin Splints: Not as Fun as They Sound

When I first heard about “shin splints,” I assumed it was some exciting new Olympic sport, sprinting with miniature javelins, perhaps? However, my misperception proved wrong; shin splints are much less “exciting” and more like an unpleasant condition: an “ouch, sit down!” situation.

  • What on Earth Are They? Shin splints, commonly known by their unusual name, refer to an uncomfortable sensation on the front of your lower legs that causes sharp pains that persist despite attempts at relief. Think of them like uninvited guests at a party who refuse to leave when invited!
  • Tell-Tale Tingles: Have you ever experienced what feels like tiny elves hammering away at your shins after running? Congratulations, because this could be a telltale sign of shin splints – although, who invited these little buggers anyway?!? (Besides…)
  • The Root of the Problem:
    • Too Much, Too Soon: Like trying to binge-watch the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy all at once, undertaking intensive workouts without warming up can put an uncomfortable strain on your shins.
    • Hard Ground Running: When running on hard surfaces like asphalt or cement surfaces, your shins will likely file formal complaints against such conditions immediately.
    • Foot Fault: Your way of landing may also be contributing to problems. Being flat-footed could make matters worse.
  • Prevention is Better Than…Well, Pain:
    • Run Forest, Run… But Slowly: Build your distance slowly over time; running is not about who can develop shin splints first!
    • Soft Landing: For a smoother landing experience, consider switching concrete jungles for more forgiving tracks or treadmills.
    • Shoe-In for Success: Make a smart investment in high-quality running shoes tailored to your foot type; your shins (and style points!) will thank you.
  • Soothing the Savage Shin: Rest, ice, and even compression therapy may help alleviate your shin pain; however, if it persists too long, it’s time to visit a specialist.

Remember, your shins are often forgotten heroes in your legs, often overshadowed by more prominent structures such as calves or quads. By showing them some love, they will keep running smoothly, and if all else fails – think: at least shin splints sound cool!

Plantar Fasciitis: It’s Not a Magical Plant

Disclaimer: When I first overheard someone mentioning plantar fasciitis, I assumed they were talking about an exotic, rare herb I hadn’t tried yet! Imagine my shock when I learned it is an extremely common foot condition with painful and hard-to-pronounce symptoms!

  • What Is Plantar Fasciitis? Simply stated, plantar fasciitis is the sharp, stabbing pain felt in the heel of your foot that occurs due to inflammation in its thick band of tissue that runs across its bottom edge and connects your heel bone with your toes – no magic involved – just pain!
  • The Morning Surprise: Do you ever wake up ready to seize the day only to be met with sharp heel pain as soon as you step onto your bed? That could be plantar fasciitis’ way of saying good morning!
  • The Usual Suspects: Flat Feet or High Arches: Your unique foot structure could be setting the scene. Rolling Inward When Walking: If your feet move excessively outward when walking, take notice. High Heels or Switching from Flat Shoes Can Trigger This Issue.
  • Keeping the Plant Away: Preventative Tips
    • Stretch It Out: Calves and Achilles tendon connections may be closer than you realize; stretch them!
    • Supportive Soles: Running shoes that provide arch support and cushioned soles can be invaluable in improving foot health.
    • Watch Your Weight: Carrying less weight can reduce stress.
  • The Healing Touch: Ice and rest can help alleviate foot pain effectively. Over-the-counter pain relievers and exercises may also provide some relief; if your foot becomes increasingly painful every morning, seeking professional assistance might be in order.

Plantar fasciitis may not be what you had hoped for, but it will teach you respect and care for your feet more. After all, they carry you on every run, trek, and dance session in your living room – so they deserve all your love and affection…and maybe some magical plant, too?

Achilles Tendinitis: The Heel’s Own Heel

At one time or another, I may have dreamed of becoming the legendary Greek hero Achilles, sprinting past my enemies with god-like speed. Unfortunately, when Achilles tendinitis struck my heel, it revealed its weaknesses, threatening my running dreams and physical health.

  • From Myth to Reality: What is Achilles Tendinitis? At its root, Achilles tendon inflammation refers to a tight band linking the calf muscle to your heel bone – but unlike in Greek hero’s tales, repetitive stress will trigger this painful cycle.
  • Achilles Tendinitis Attacks: Do you experience tightness, pain, and swelling that feels like someone tied a knot in your heel without your knowledge? That could be Achilles tendinitis, making its unforeseen presence known.
  • Perpetrators Behind the Curtain:
    • Going Too Fast, Too Soon: Just like you wouldn’t challenge Usain Bolt after just one run, don’t increase mileage or intensity too quickly. Tight
    • Calve Muscles: Striding around with tight calf muscles is like inviting trouble into your life – no one wants that hassle!
    • Running on Cloud Nine: Pillowy soft running surfaces may feel good underfoot, but they may strain your Achilles tendon unnecessarily.
  • Avoid Drama:
    • Key Flex and Stretch: Regular calf and heel stretches can help avoid tendinitis-inducing symptoms.
    • Alternate Terrain: Switch between soft and hard terrain during your runs for added variety!
    • Proper Footwear:  Make sure you’re not lacing up with worn-out shoes. Your Achilles deserves the best.
  • Calming the Raging Beasts: Rest is key. Elevate that foot, ice it, and take any anti-inflammatory meds prescribed – these will all work wonders. However, if tendinitis persists despite these measures alone, seek professional medical help from a physiotherapist immediately.

Finally, I may never reach the legendary heights of Achilles, but I have learned to listen carefully to what my Achilles tendon tells me. With some care, my Achilles tendon remains more of an ally in my running story rather than becoming its villainous antagonist. So here’s to running and leaping without facing legendary vulnerabilities!

Stress Fractures: The Silent Breakers

Let me start by admitting my misconception: that my bones are made of indestructible adamantium like Wolverine’s from X-Men. Unfortunately, we can’t all be superheroes; bones can sometimes be more “whispery.” They might not snap out with an audible crack immediately when overworked, thus putting me at risk of stress fractures.

  • An Unsuspected Cause: What Is a Stress Fracture? Cracked bones are caused by overuse. Imagine running a marathon on your living room’s wooden floor; while it won’t collapse immediately, signs of wear and tear will quickly appear over time.
  • An Unfolding Drama in Slow Motion: Stress fractures don’t appear overnight like when someone trips on something sharp like rocks – instead, they occur gradually over time like popcorn kernels stuck between your teeth; tiny but always bothersome!
  • Usual Suspects: Conceal Stress fractures commonly develop in the shin, foot, and heel. If you notice localized discomfort that’s increasing daily, there’s a good chance a stress fracture has found its home there.
  • Causes Behind The Scenes:
    • Running On Repeat: Repetition can lead to stress fractures.
    • The Wrong Shoes: Like wearing flip-flops to a snowball fight, incorrect or worn-out footwear invites disaster.
    • Failing to Listen to Your Body: Overtraining and disregarding subtle signals that indicate “I need rest” could lead to fractures.
  • The Prevention Parade
    • Mix Things Up: Alternate running with other forms of Exercise, such as swimming or cycling, for added variety.
    • Strength Training:  Strength Training can offer additional protection by strengthening muscles around common stress fracture sites.
    • Proper Nutrition: Bones crave calcium and vitamin D – give them what they crave!
  • Recovery Road: If you suspect you’ve suffered from a stress fracture, first and foremost, don’t panic! Seek medical advice immediately, rest your foot for several days while considering wearing an attractive walking boot if possible, and no running for at least six weeks – though that might sometimes prove challenging! It may take longer than expected, but better safe than sorry!

Though I may not possess the unbreakable bones of Wolverine, with some care and attention, I can keep any silent breakers at bay. So here’s to running with joy, caution, and an occasional daydream about adamantium daydreams!

IT Band Syndrome: No, It’s Not a Tech Problem

Oh no – IT Band Syndrome! No longer the moment of panic when your Wi-Fi goes down in the middle of streaming Netflix, IT Band Syndrome is different; it involves pain on one or both sides of your knee, often associated with being overweight. Let’s delve into this non-techy issue in more depth!

  • Understand IT Jargon: First off, IT stands for Iliotibial Ligament, but we will use “IT” in its place since no one has time to pronounce that monstrosity!
  • An IT Band Overview: An IT band, also known as an ITB or Iliotibial Band, runs from hip to shin and provides vital support for knee movement.
  • Listen to Your Body: That sharp or nagging pain outside the knee when running? That could be your body’s way of telling you something’s off – an alert that something could be amiss with its joint health.
  • How Did I Get IT (The Syndrome, not the Tech Job)?
    • Overdoing It: Increase mileage or intensity without adequate preparation, such as slowly building it up gradually.
    • Running In Worn-Out Shoes: If your shoes are older than three seasons of your favorite TV show, it might be time for an upgrade.
    • Being A Creature Of Habit: Running along the same side of an inclined road or track may invite IT party-goers.
  • Let’s Not Invite IT: Prevention Steps:
    • Strength and Stretch: Strengthening hips while stretching the IT band is an excellent way to strengthen knees while increasing the range of motion. Think of this like yoga and weightlifting exercises for your side knee.
    • Mix It Up: Mix running surfaces and directions to be unpredictable!
    • Check Your Gait: Sometimes, how we run can add strain. A gait analysis can act as a useful check on our running style and alleviate additional tension.
  • The Healing Touch: These treatments include rest, ice, compression, elevation, and physical therapy as part of an overall program to address knee discomfort. Take it like spa therapy for your knee! Additionally, downhill running can aggravate IT Band symptoms further – as its sudden impacts could irritate it further.

IT Band Syndrome may not directly relate to computer glitches, but it should remind all runners that taking good care of our bodies is key for smooth runs, healthy knees, and uninterrupted streaming shows! So here’s to smoother runs, happier knees, and streaming shows without WI-FI interruption!

Stay Hydrated, Stay Strengthened

If running were a romantic relationship, water would be your supportive partner, ready to encourage when needed, and strength training your faithful companion, reminding you of who you are and why you matter in these two important components of common running injuries prevention and care.

  • The Liquid Love Affair: Water isn’t only important for making those Instagrammable splashes at the end of your run; it plays an essential role in supporting muscular health and joint wellbeing.
  • Hydration Is Your MVP: Muscle Care: Staying hydrated ensures muscles remain lubricated and less susceptible to strains. Joint Support: Our joints require plenty of H2O cushioning to reduce wear-and-tear damage caused by our adventures on foot.
    Temperature Regulator: Hydration can help your body regulate itself so you don’t overheat, acting like nature’s built-in air conditioner!
  • A Toast to Drinking Right: However, don’t just gulp down an entire gallon before running and call it good; sip gradually during your workout to stay properly hydrated throughout.
  • Strength’s Spotlight: Though I enjoy the post-run endorphin rush, sometimes switching up your workout regimen by switching some running days for strengthening sessions can pay dividends.
  • Strength Training Benefits:
    • Muscle Marvel: Stronger muscles are less prone to injuries, protecting from running-related aches.
    • Bone Bonanza: Resistance training increases bone density and reduces fracture risk – giving way to stronger, less fracture-prone bones!
    • Strengthening Star: Strengthening core and leg muscles to enhance balance can reduce the chances of embarrassing trips and falls, improving posture.
  • Tips for Strength Seekers:
    • Mix & Match: Combine cardio with weightlifting – running is great, but weights need love too.
    • Consistency Is Key: For optimal strength training results, make it part of your regular schedule – consistent strength training reaps rewards over time!

So when preparing to run that marathon or conquer that trail trek, remember: Hydrate like you’re on a desert island and strength train as if preparing for a superhero fight! Your body will thank you for having fewer injuries and more victories!

When to Rest, When to Run, and When to See a Doctor

An age-old challenge for runners: Do I lace up or lounge? It can be like choosing between coffee or an extra 10 minutes of sleep on a chilly morning – both seem inviting, but which should I choose? Join me as we navigate this tricky terrain together!

  • Acknowledging Your Body: Your body speaks a language all its own – not only when you crave that pre-run snack – it speaks loud and clear in pain, discomfort, and swelling: these are its loud and clear ways of communicating that something needs to change and that it might be time to take a breather.
  • Adopt the 24-hour Rule Approach: If you feel an odd twinge or pain while running, take a 24-hour break. If the symptoms still exist or worsen the following day, that may indicate that it’s best to ease up for now. Even if it means one less mile today, rest today can ensure a more successful run tomorrow!
  • Know When to Put on Running Shoes:
    • Post Injury: Once your body has had time to heal and the pain has subsided, slowly ease back into your routine – don’t rush like you’re late for a brunch date.
    • Feeling Rested: If you have had a good night’s rest, feel rejuvenated muscles, and are generally in high spirits, that could indicate that all is going well with your health!
  • Signs It’s Time to Call a Doctor:
    • Persistent Pain: If the discomfort lingers for days after it begins, seek medical advice immediately.
    • Swelling and Discoloration: If the injured area starts looking like something out of a zombie movie audition tape – seek medical advice immediately!
    • Reduced Mobility: When moving around becomes as difficult as resisting that last chocolate bar, professional assistance should be sought immediately.
    • Any Sign of Infection: Red streaks, heat, or pus indicate an infection requiring antibiotics instead of running injuries alone.
  • Embracing the Art of Active Recovery: Rest is great – who doesn’t enjoy an enjoyable Netflix binge?!! However, light exercises that won’t exacerbate an common running injuries, such as yoga, swimming, or even going for a brisk walk, might do just fine!
  • A Parting Thought: Injuries can be like those pesky potholes we keep walking into; they’re annoying and slow you down – but with proper treatment and decision-making skills, they should pass quickly! Here’s to making informed choices that will keep your running dreams alive!

Wrapping Up: Running Isn’t About Not Falling, But Rising Every Time We Fall

Have you experienced the delights (or otherwise) of running? I know I have! Running can be filled with ups and downs; while I would love to say I have never face-planted in front of an audience of squirrels, the reality is quite the contrary! Let’s dive deeper into its philosophy and spirit behind every stumble or return–they may surprise us!

  • A Tumble Isn’t The End; It’s a New Beginning: Do you remember when you misstepped and tasted local dirt? Unfortunately, I do. But every slip-up and misstep offers us an opportunity to grow as individuals.
  • The Art of Resilience: Running can often throw us curveballs – wet pavement, hidden potholes, or that unexpected rock that suddenly appears out of nowhere – yet how we pick ourselves back up, dust ourselves off (sometimes literally!), and carry on is where the real magic occurs.
  • Embrace the Unexpected: Not every run will go as smoothly as planned, and that’s OK – unexpected challenges often make for great stories. “Remember when I tripped and ended up rolling downhill?” Ahh… great memories.
  • Mental Toughness > Physical Strength: Mind over matter is as crucial to success as strength-training exercises – even when legs feel like jelly! Training your mind to persist through hard times, even when things seem hopeless, is as necessary as strengthening exercises for your calf muscles.
  • Celebrate Every Recovery: Every time you pick yourself back up after being down, pat yourself on the back (or do a self-congratulatory dance!). Recognize and celebrate your resilience – you are stronger than you give yourself credit for!
  • Support Systems are Gold: If you run with friends and trip, they will likely laugh. But they will also be the first to help get you up and ensure everything’s okay. Ensure your support network includes friends, family, or fellow running forum enthusiasts as a source of comfort.
  • The Lesson in Every Bruise: Wear your scars and bruises proudly; they’re proof of your journey and achievements in running! They’re the real medals of the running world.

Life can be a long race of stumbles and falls; we all get tired from running around trying to keep up. In those times when we fall, remember it’s not about how hard we fall but about how well we rise again and keep running towards our goals with every determined step we take forward – here’s to embracing both tumbles and sprints alike!

Additional Resource(s) for Common Running Injuries


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