Intermediate Half Marathon Training Plan

The 12-week Intermediate Half Marathon Training Plan is tailored for runners with an established endurance base and looking to increase their half marathon performance. Unlike beginner plans, this schedule incorporates more varied and intense workouts to challenge runners while stimulating physiological adaptations necessary for improved race-day performance.

At the core of this plan lies an ideal blend of easy runs, interval training, tempo runs, and long runs – providing an aerobic foundation while offering active recovery from more strenuous sessions. Interval training, typically done at a faster pace with short rest periods in between, helps increase both runner speed and VO2 max, ultimately increasing oxygen utilization by the body more efficiently. Tempo runs (or threshold runs) should be conducted at an intense yet manageable pace, pushing one’s aerobic capacity while increasing stamina and endurance. Long runs that cover close to the race distance remain crucial in building mental and physical stamina for running the half marathon distance. By including rest days, cross-training options, and tapering before race day, this plan ensures runners arrive at race day ready and in peak condition.

Remember, this plan is only meant as an approximate guide, and any individual using it should tailor it based on their needs, goals, and feedback from their body. Before beginning any fitness regimen, it would be prudent to consult a fitness professional or doctor first.


Intermediate Half Marathon Training Plan

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 4 miles easy run 5 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 6 miles tempo run Rest 7 miles easy pace 8 miles long run
2 4 miles easy run 6 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 6 miles tempo run Rest 8 miles easy pace 9 miles long run
3 5 miles easy run 6 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 7 miles tempo run Rest 8 miles easy pace 10 miles long run
4 5 miles easy run 7 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 7 miles tempo run Rest 9 miles easy pace 11 miles long run
5 5 miles easy run 7 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 8 miles tempo run Rest 9 miles easy pace 12 miles long run
6 6 miles easy run 8 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 8 miles tempo run Rest 10 miles easy pace 12 miles long run
7 6 miles easy run 8 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 9 miles tempo run Rest 10 miles easy pace 13 miles long run
8 6 miles easy run 7 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 9 miles tempo run Rest 11 miles easy pace 14 miles long run
9 7 miles easy run 7 miles with intervals Rest or cross-train 10 miles tempo run Rest 10 miles easy pace 12 miles long run
10 5 miles easy run 6 miles at race pace Rest or cross-train 8 miles tempo run Rest 9 miles easy pace 11 miles long run
11 4 miles easy run 5 miles at race pace Rest or cross-train 6 miles tempo run Rest 8 miles easy pace 10 miles long run
12 4 miles easy run 5 miles at race pace Rest 3 miles shakeout run Rest 2 miles easy Race Day – Half Marathon