Motivation Tips: Staying Committed to Running in the Long Run

Sep 6, 2023Running Mindset & Motivation0 comments

Staying Committed to Running

My On-Again, Off-Again Relationship with Running

“The Notebook” would probably be my ideal comparison for our relationship: dramatic, passionate, and filled with moments where I shouted, “Why?!! at the sky during an intense storm. However, let me rewind back to when this Hollywood-worthy romance started: It all started when we met.

Years ago, when I was still young and healthy enough, running was reserved for athletic people or those chased in horror movies. But life, as it often does, introduced me to treadmills, track fields, and the undeniable high of running. My first 5k felt like an epic journey; its sense of achievement was unparalleled – this would become our story of togetherness.

Although running and I shared an affectionate relationship, there were days and weeks when it felt effortless – sprinting like someone had stolen my favorite socks – while on other mornings or gloomy rainy days, my running shoes would gather dust, so instead of running, I’d opt for hot cocoa and Netflix marathon instead of real one!

Occasionally, something would tempt me away from hitting the pavement: an alluring snooze button, delicious-smelling cookies baking in the oven, or an urge to organize my entire closet seemed more alluring than running on pavement. These “breaks” helped me realize something vital: motivation was not a fixed entity but could change depending on my playlist and other influences.

One day, I could channel Rocky Balboa; on another, a sloth. And that was OK; running, like any relationship, has its ups and downs. there will be days where running seems like an unnecessary burden, while there will also be moments where running provides meaning in an otherwise chaotic world.

My journey with you has taught me that staying committed to running doesn’t require taking a break; rather, it means coming back, lacing up those shoes, and hitting the track even after an extended absence – because running offers unmatched thrills: wind in your face; heartbeat matching pace with running; an unparalleled endorphin rush worth every moment spent running on and off again!

But here’s the real kicker: Whenever I return to running after taking a brief detour, it feels like coming home. So, if you’re struggling between giving up or pushing forward, my advice would be to embrace the drama, love, and occasional shouts at the sky; running is worth every step, stumble, and triumphant return!

Setting Clear, Achievable Goals: From Couch Potato to Marathon Maniac

My ever-necessary relationship with running has taught me one key thing: vague goals are like vague selfies – no one quite understands what’s happening. They don’t make for an enjoyable experience. Admit it: I have been guilty of starting each week with grand plans to run more, only to decipher “more” as “more than zero, but still less than once.”

My breakthrough moment came when I decided to change from being the “King of the Couch” into an advocate for persistence – and setting clear and attainable goals was key in this transformation journey. Here’s an excerpt from my transformation diary:

  • Clarifying Your Motivations: Before diving into the details, it’s essential to determine your initial motivations. My initial drive was motivated by wanting to shed those extra doughnut-induced pounds and flaunt my first finisher medal – as silly as it may sound, this was what got things underway. Your ‘why’ could be anything from health concerns or simply for fun – write it out, print it off, and stick it on the mirror as a reminder.
  • Set Small Goals and Dream Big: I began by setting an attainable 5K goal – no grandiose marathon ambitions were involved here, just a simple “I will finish this 5K without passing out” target that proved challenging but within reach; once accomplished, its achievement provided fuel for my next set of objectives.
  • Measurable Milestones: “Running more” became “Run three times per week.” To get faster, “Get 2 minutes off my 5K time in two months”. Numbers provided clarity, accountability, and an undeniable sense of achievement.
  • Celebrate Every Win: When you complete that first mile without stopping? Pat yourself on the back! And when you beat your personal best time by even one second? Throw yourself a small party! Every milestone deserves recognition.
  • Evolve and Elevate: As soon as I completed a 5K race, my sights turned towards 10Ks, half marathons, and eventually full marathons – each step taken gradually to respect my body’s pace and limits.
  • Stay Inspired: To stay motivated on my running journey, I connected with other runners by joining local clubs, subscribing to running magazines, and posting motivational quotes around my house. On days when the couch beckoned seductively, these external reminders kept me on course and ensured success!

Setting clear, achievable goals was instrumental to my running journey’s success. Setting goals provided direction, purpose, and an approach toward my long-term running ambitions. So, if you find yourself drifting toward running but lack clarity about where to begin or whether the transformation from couch potato to marathoner is possible for you! I believe that my transformation from couch potato to marathoner wasn’t just a myth – it happened for me and can happen for you, too!

Creating a Playlist That Moves You (Literally!)

Ah, the undeniable power of music! There’s something special about a catchy tune that can change our pace from leisurely walking to full-on sprinting. I have long advocated for the motivational potential of playlists – my running playlist is more precious to me than even Grandma’s secret cookie recipe! Here’s why:

  • Musical Recollections: Have you ever noticed how certain songs can instantly transport you back in time and space? For me, one song that played as I crossed the finish line at my first marathon remains one that brings back that sense of triumphant accomplishment every time it comes on during an endurance run and helps propel me further than before.
  • Beats that Fit Your Feet: Matching songs’ beats per minute (BPM) to your running cadence can be transformative. I typically aim for music between 120-130 BPM for easy jogs; I increase this number to 140-160 for faster pace runs.
  • Genre-Hopping: Contrary to popular belief, music doesn’t just need to come from one genre to make us dance or get our feet moving – I have found inspiration in classical tunes, Latino beats, and even the rhythmic rhymes of rap – simply diversifying my playlist could lead to unexpected discoveries!
  • Anthems and Ballads: My playlist always includes power ballads and anthems that encourage me during tough moments, like “You Are a Champion!” such as Eye of the Tiger or “We Will Rock You,” but for final-mile pushes, my go-to song is “Can’t Stop Me Now.”
  • The Surprise Element: Now and again, I try adding in an unexpected tune or song I haven’t heard for some time; such an “Oh! I love this song!” can give an incredible lift during moments when I might otherwise consider ending my run early.
  • Emotional Connect: Certain songs strike an emotional chord within us all–they could remind us of memories, hopes, or personal struggles or bring back fond memories from running adventures past. Such tunes tug on our heartstrings, reminding us why we run and of the sheer pleasure running brings.
  • The Power Pause: Listening to a few relaxing and slower songs as cues for walking breaks or cool-down periods helps my body naturally switch gears when these come on.

Crafting the ideal playlist requires an intricate balancing act of science, emotion, and personal taste. Like our running journey, this list should continue to develop with time. When your feet seem unmotivated to move forward again, perhaps all they need is a fresh beat to rejuvenate you – let the music be the wind beneath your wings… or, in this case, your feet!

Dressing the Part: If You Look Good, You Run Good

Okay, I admit it – I love a stylish pair of running shorts and an accompanying headband, especially on slower runs. There’s something special about looking at the part that makes me feel like an Olympic athlete, even on my weakest days! When the shoe (or, in this case, outfit) fits right? Wear it proudly if it makes your running experience better! Here’s why dressing well can make an impactful statement about your commitment:

  • Increased Confidence: Wearing new running leggings or lacing up my sparkly shoes makes me feel like a million bucks–and my stride changes accordingly; now, instead of just jogging, I’m striding!
  • Functional Fashion: Running gear should not solely focus on aesthetics; quality running attire must also serve to wick away sweat and reduce chafing for optimal performance. Investing in quality running attire means not just looking great; it also means feeling great.
  • Mind Games: Have you heard of “enclothed cognition?” This term entails that what we wear can affect our psychological processes; particularly, wearing running attire can prepare our mind for what lies ahead, setting an optimistic and determined mindset for running.
  • Seasonal Gear: Like you wouldn’t wear your winter coat to the beach, proper attire for each running season has its appropriate outfits: shorts for summer runs, moisture-wicking base layers for winter runs, and rainproof jackets can help ensure an easier run experience! Wearing suitable attire makes taking on Mother Nature much simpler!
  • The Social Selfie: Don’t forget the social aspect! Wearing colorful clothing increases my likelihood of taking post-run selfies and sharing them with my followers; this way, I can document my journey while looking stylish and sharing milestones along the way.
  • Personal Motivation: When my motivation starts waning, new running gear can be the perfect encouragement to hit the trails even when my couch seems invitingly cozy.
  • Running Identity: Adopting the look of runners can cement your identity as one, making the activity an integral part of who you are. Like donning superhero garb, when wearing running gear, you are ready to conquer miles and milestones!

Though you should never judge a book by its cover, clothes can make all the difference in running! So feel free to rock neon socks or headbands; look good, run better!

Find a Running Buddy: Misery Loves Company (Just Kidding!)

Confession time: For years, I used to run alone. There was something therapeutic about running solo until I discovered my running tribe! However, I strongly believe that having running partners is like having an extra set of hands on the track or trail to help break up monotonous runs and tackle trails at full throttle. Allow me to explain:

  • Accountability Partner: When that alarm clock rings at 6 AM, and you find yourself drawn back under your blankets, finding motivation to tackle that morning run alone becomes much harder. However, having someone ready and waiting makes hitting that snooze button feel less guilty than it otherwise would.
  • Pushing Limits: My running buddy and I compete by setting new paces each time the other puts one – trying to match or exceed each one as we go along. Although all in good fun, this challenge makes me run faster!
  • Sharing is Caring: From new running playlists to anti-chafe cream (trust me; it exists), having someone you can turn to for tips is invaluable.
  • Social Hour: Running alone can become monotonous after a while, but adding someone to turn your run into a social session makes miles pass by faster!
  • Safety First: Running with a partner adds an element of protection when doing early morning or late night runs – after all, strength lies in numbers!
  • Diversify Your Routes: Everyone has their preferred running routes, but by joining forces with another runner, I found many paths and trails I hadn’t considered – offering fresh scenery!
  • Sharing Highs (and Lows): Running together means sharing its highs (like celebrating new personal records) and lows, such as commiserating after hard runs or offering support after tough ones. Running partners allow runners to experience all aspects of running together.
  • Fun Runs and Races: Participating in events becomes twice as enjoyable when done with someone special! Getting dressed together, matching strides, and sharing in victory dances at the finish line? That sounds perfect to us!

Running solo certainly has advantages, but running with someone can bring out even greater benefits. They act as your cheerleader, therapist, and coach all rolled into one – something even “misery loves company” doesn’t achieve! Instead, it creates shared joy, laughter, and healthy competition between runners – find your running buddy today and hit the trails together!

Diversify Your Routes: Scenery Can Make (or Break) a Run

Imagine this – it’s a beautiful day, the sun is out, and you have your running shoes on for another run around your favorite route – something about which your mind wanders if this were an actual reality show! But there is an issue: it seems as if this route has become routine to you over time, and this time will likely not be any different! Groan!

Humans are creatures of habit. We take comfort in routine and find comfort in running the same route repeatedly because it’s easy, no thinking required – However, this eventually gets old quickly – much like eating the same dinner every night!

Diversifying your running routes could provide the boost of energy you didn’t even know you needed:

  • Stimulation for the Brain: Exposure to new sights, smells, and sounds stimulates your brain; your senses become engaged with more stimulation – suddenly, that 10-mile run doesn’t seem quite so daunting!
  • Different Terrains, Different Challenges: Running can provide plenty of varied experiences; running through hills one day, beach runs the next, and forested trails on weekends can all provide different levels of challenge – awakening muscles I didn’t even know were there!
  • Lower Injury Risk: Running on the same hard, concrete path increases your risk for repetitive strain injuries. By switching up your stride and pace on different terrains, different terrains allow your muscles to rest more often.
  • Mental Break: Running can be both a physical and mental challenge. Switching up your surroundings to provide that mental break that makes running less daunting and tiring.
  • Be an Urban Explorer: Varying your route allows you to discover parts of your city or town that you may never have experienced before, such as discovering there was a mural dedicated to sloths two streets away or discovering that the next city over offers ideal hills for sprinting.
  • Seasonal Sceneries: Running different routes throughout the year gives runners a wonderful way to experience all four seasons at their finest, from cherry blossoms in springtime to golden leaves in fall – nature’s ever-evolving palette can serve as a powerful motivation.
  • Photo Ops: Running can also provide plenty of photo ops that keep your Instagram feed as fresh as your legs after an exhausting run! Stop and take plenty of Instagram-worthy shots along your route, ensuring your feed remains as updated as your legs after every leg stretch!

Changing up your running routes can add an element of surprise and variety to your regimen, creating an experience like no other! So, if the monotony begins, take a different path and discover an entirely new world underneath your running feet!

Joining Local Running Events: Because Medals Are Fun

Running, by its very nature, is an individual pursuit. There’s peace in setting your own pace and route while exploring your thoughts. But every so often, it can be invigorating to join other runners at community events; lacing up shoes and donning bibs gives an added dimension of camaraderie!

I know I still get nervous before any race, no matter how small. That’s what keeps it exciting and why signing up for local running events can renew your passion for pounding pavement (or trails):

  • Set A Tangible Goal: Nothing can motivate quite as effectively as knowing you have an event coming up – such as a race date – which can provide that much-needed impetus for continued training. It could even get your motivation back on track if it had lagged in recent days!
  • Race Swag: Ah, race swag is irresistibly exciting! From T-shirts and medals to goodie bags, race souvenirs serve not just as souvenirs but as physical symbols of accomplishment that represent all those miles you’ve run!
  • Community Vibes: Running events have an undeniable energy, from spectators cheering their support to runners mingling among themselves – it creates an inexhaustible surge of community spirit that’s hard to replicate elsewhere. Whether it be the shared pain of an uphill climb or celebrating at the finish line, these bonding moments and community spirit make these moments worth cherishing!
  • Take Up Challenges: Even local events don’t have to be grandiose to be challenging: perhaps a trail run with uncharted terrains or an elaborate fun run with vibrant hues every kilometer will provide new experiences and push you beyond your limits.
  • Support a Cause: Many local runs are organized to raise money for charitable causes, making your miles count towards something larger. Running for an important reason will add extra motivation and purpose to each mile you cover!
  • Learn from Others: These events provide the perfect environment to observe runners of various skill levels; from experienced marathoners to beginners looking for their first adventure, everyone brings something valuable. Engage, observe, and gather tips that could assist your running journey.
  • Celebration Time: Crossing the finish line should always be a cause for celebration- whether it is your first race or fifty. Savor each momentous achievement by wearing your medal proudly and treating yourself post-race! After all, it’s your time, and you have earned it!
  • Experience Competitive Running: For runners curious about competing at an elite level, local events offer a taste of what that would entail – you might get that extra push to enroll in larger races!

Local running events offer the perfect combination of challenge, camaraderie, and celebration – a testament to how running is truly an individual sport, with many communities joining together to enjoy it! So browse your local listings, sign up, and prepare to race – after all, medals can make racing even more fun!

Reward System: Carrots at the Finish Line (or Cake)

Running can be a labor of love for many, yet we must admit it’s still work. Between magical runner’s highs and scenic views are beads of sweat, sore muscles, and days where sleeping seems more appealing than running on open roads. A little incentive may work wonders in these instances. While running provides intrinsic rewards such as health, fitness, and mental well-being – why can’t we add external stimuli, too?

Let’s explore how a simple reward system can keep you motivated and make running more exciting:

  • Tangible Treats: Here’s where the cake comes into play (or any treat that suits your fancy). Have you completed your first 5K without walking? Celebrate by indulging in one of your favorite desserts or snacks after running consistently for one month. Perhaps now is the time to reward yourself with new gear or apparel that’s been tempting you.
  • Progress Jars: For every kilometer or mile run, put $1 in an individual progress jar for everyone who passes. As you increase your mileage, watch as those funds grow over time – then use that money when reaching significant milestones!
  • Staycation Runs: When you reach an especially challenging running goal, reward yourself with a staycation run – something as simple as taking the day off work, lounging around in your PJs, and binge-watching one or more shows from Netflix can do wonders to refresh.
  • Upgrade Your Gear: Running gear can be expensive, so use it as a reward when reaching a challenging target. Want those elite running shoes or high-tech watches? Set yourself an ambitious goal and treat yourself when reaching it!
  • Unforgettable Experiences: Instead of giving materialistic gifts, opt for experiences. Perhaps this includes attending a movie night, spending the day at a spa, or visiting one of your area’s tourist spots.
  • Give Yourself Time: Allocate an evening solely to you – without obligations, chores, or obligations of any sort – just pure, unadulterated “me time.”
  • Social Reward: Throw a party or organize an informal get-together to honor your achievements – any small gesture will do! Celebrate them together.
  • Hobby Indulgences: Take some time out for another hobby – reading a novel you haven’t had time to read or exploring music through new instruments or albums.
  • Learning Opportunities: Are you eager to gain new skills? Consider signing up for cooking or painting lessons or online courses to enrich yourself and reward yourself for doing so.
  • Rest: After an intense training phase or race, take time out for yourself without guilt to recharge, recuperate, and celebrate all your hard work! Revel in all that has been accomplished.

Reward systems don’t exist to indulge materialistic desires; they exist to recognize and celebrate your efforts. A reward system should acknowledge all the hard work that went into training for a run, remembering that life shouldn’t just be about reaching its destination but enjoying each step along the way; anything extra? Consider it just a bonus!

Embracing the Off Days: It’s Okay to Take a Breather

Becoming a dedicated runner involves more than simply running. It involves understanding that not every day will bring the same energy, motivation, or enthusiasm; an idea that perfect runners never take days off is untrue – even passionate runners recognize rest and recovery time as necessary for optimal running performances. Let’s look into why off days matter so we can embrace them positively:

  • Recognizing Need: Our bodies often signal when we are being overstressed – with symptoms like persistent soreness, chronic fatigue, irritability, or disturbed sleep patterns being signs we need to listen out for to prevent burnout and injuries. Taking note of these indicators can prevent burnout and damage from happening in the future.
  • Physical Recuperation: Running over hard surfaces or challenging terrain can create micro-tears in muscles, leading to micro-tears being repaired and strengthened, thus improving overall performance. Rest days allow these muscles to heal themselves by strengthening them over time.
  • Mental Recharge: Continuous pushing can wear on one’s mental strength. Taking time out for relaxation and distraction will allow your mind to regroup, so when it’s time to return to running, you will feel present and engaged!
  • Decreased Risk of Overuse Injuries: Overuse injuries such as shin splints, runner’s knee, and plantar fasciitis may arise from not giving your body enough restorative time between workouts; scheduling off days as preventive measures could help avoid this.
  • Cross-Training Opportunities: Off days from running don’t mean spending all day sitting around on the sofa – use this opportunity to engage in other forms of physical exercise such as swimming, cycling, or yoga – Not only will this give your muscles a break, but it will help build strength and flexibility where running may not.
  • Rekindling Passion: Too much of anything can become monotonous over time, which can zap any enthusiasm you have for running and create short breaks from it all – reigniting passion and eagerness to get back out there again.
  • Holistic Health: Running can do wonders for cardiovascular fitness and well-being, but holistic well-being also includes mental peace, emotional equilibrium, and spiritual growth. Spend your off days practicing meditation, reading a good book, spending time with loved ones, or exploring a hobby of interest.
  • Setting Up for Success: Acknowledging off-days can make your next run more productive, giving you renewed energy and enthusiasm that may help you to surpass past performances or set personal records.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: On rest days, focus on replenishing your body by eating nutritious food and drinking enough fluids; don’t occasionally forget a treat meal!
  • Look At The Bigger Picture: Running is only part of life; don’t make running your sole focus. Diverse experiences offer immense value; sometimes, taking a day off to watch the sunrise, play with your pet, or bake a cake can be just as fulfilling as running 10Ks.

Rest days play an integral part in a runner’s holistic journey. Adopting rest days as part of their training schedule doesn’t indicate weakness or lack of commitment; rather, it shows deeper knowledge about oneself and running! So take some time for yourself–enjoy that breather because tomorrow brings another chance!

Tracking Progress: Seeing is Believing

Running provides much more than simple physical exertion. Running can be mentally and physically transformative; on those hard days when motivation wanes, tangible evidence of progress can provide the boost necessary to get out there and run. Here’s why tracking progress can be so useful:

  • Visual Motivation: Looking back at where you started can be hugely motivating; it’s an instantaneous visual reminder of all of the hard work, determination, and dedication put forth on the journey to reaching success.
  • Establishing Benchmarks: By noting milestones such as longer distance runs, faster pace runs, or consistent running routines, you will have an objective benchmark against judging future runs.
  • Recognizing Patterns: Tracking can help reveal patterns. Perhaps your pace increases in cooler weather or drops after eating carb-rich food. Recognizing these trends allows for improved planning and performance enhancement.
  • Tailoring Training: With an accurate record of past performance, creating a tailored training regimen is easy. For instance, if uphill sections consistently cause difficulty, include more hill training in your workouts.
  • Recognizing Small Wins: Not every achievement needs to be celebrated like a marathon finish; celebrating smaller victories like an enjoyable running week or setting a personal best brings immense pleasure to the journey.
  • Accountability: Keeping a log or tracker can serve as a tangible commitment device on days when skipping may seem tempting; just the thought of breaking your streak may push you out the door!
  • Tools of the Trade: Nowadays, runners have access to numerous digital tools and apps designed specifically for runners. Platforms like Strava, Garmin Connect, and Nike Run Club all provide intuitive interfaces that make tracking runs simpler than ever – not to mention they also add an element of motivation and community engagement!
  • Old School Tracking: For runners who prefer old-school tracking methods, an analog running journal can still be beneficial in noting their achievements by hand. Something is fulfilling and therapeutic about keeping an ink-stained logbook of their journeys and milestones.
  • Becoming Aware Of Your Body: Observing how your body responds during and after runs can be extremely informative. Over time, self-awareness will allow you to recognize when to push harder or ease up.
  • Goal Resetting: Once your goals have been reached and tracked, they must be reset as often as necessary. Setting, reaching, and then resetting goals keeps the motivation alive!

Tracking running progress isn’t just about numbers and statistics; it’s an intimate record of your journey that bears testament to the effort, commitment, highs, and lows – whether digital or on paper – and when feeling demotivated, take a look back to see just how far you have come – after all, seeing is believing!

The Journey of a Thousand Miles (or Just 26.2)

An ancient Chinese philosopher, Laozi, once famously stated: “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” While this adage applies broadly to runners taking their first steps towards marathon running, it has deep personal resonance. Here, we’ll examine its relevance within running culture.

  • Every Milestone Begins Small: Every goal starts small – whether just running one mile or setting out on your first marathon – Starting small is key to reaching long-term success, which requires consistent efforts over time to add up to win.
  • Mental Endurance: Like any long journey, marathon training requires mental and physical resilience to stay the course. Convincing yourself to keep going even when all your muscles beg for rest is key to remaining motivated throughout training.
  • The Scenic Route: Running a marathon is more than just about reaching its endpoint; it’s about the training mornings, scenic routes and sunrises, meeting new runners, and engaging in inner reflection during long runs.
  • Accept Change as Part of the Course: No marathon journey can go smoothly, with unexpected roadblocks, detours, or unfavorable weather being just some of its challenges. Embracing all aspects of experience throughout your marathon journey is essential.
  • Commemorating Progress: While your ultimate goal may be completing a marathon, it’s also important to acknowledge smaller achievements along the way–whether that means running double digits for the first time, finishing your half marathon faster than ever, or simply maintaining your training regimen for 30 consecutive days without missing an appointment!
  • The Learning Curve: As you build distance, you also gain insight into yourself: body type, pace, nutrition, and gear that works well for you. This learning curve is an integral part of the journey.
  • Your Journey Is Personal: Every runner’s experience is unique, from training for a marathon to honoring loved ones to showing naysayers wrong or simply running because it gives them pleasure – recognizing and appreciating why we run can make the journey all the more rewarding and worthwhile.
  • Marathon Completion Is Only the Beginning: Completing a marathon is an incredible accomplishment, yet most experienced runners know that crossing that finish line is just the start. Instead, it opens doors to new goals, challenges, and an ever-deepening passion for running!

Conclusion: Whether it’s your first 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon – remember that every runner begins with just a single step and one mile. So, as you start your running journey, embrace each moment, milestone, and path ahead as much as the end destination is rewarding.

Additional Resource(s) for Staying Committed to Running



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